Longevity Planning Block Design for Inclusive Financial Planning Services
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM MST
Location: PCC: North 121
CE: 1 CFP CE Credit(s)
Complexity Level: Overview
The session aims to explore and envision an inclusive financial planning toolkit and services for an aging population to facilitate conversations, enable older adults to express needs, and trust financial planners. We proposed Longevity Planning Blocks (LPB) to project our future selves more tangibly. According to research, scholars suggest that the use of artifacts may focus people’s attention and provoke learning, feelings, and discussions that people may not necessarily achieve with typical formal retirement conversations and checklists alone. LPB and its services can potentially benefit people in different stages to make private conversations more accessible, equitable, and tailor-made to anyone.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion, participants will be able to learn, understand, experience, and appreciate inclusive financial planning services and toolkits.
Upon completion, participants will be able to acquire system thinking with creative processes in the financial planning context.
Upon completion, participants will be able to reframe financial planning challenges, brainstorm ideas, and gain prototyping skills through the lens of design.