Millennial Maintenance: How to Not Get Fired by Your Client's Children
Thursday, September 28, 2023
9:45 AM – 10:45 AM MST
Location: PCC: North 131
Complexity Level: Overview
Session Description: What does a millennial client expect from Mom & Dad's advisor? Oftentimes, their expectations don't match their parent's expectations. Sustaining the wealth you manage today across generations requires adapting to the next generation's needs, expectations, and preconceived notions. Part one focuses on how to do this as effectively as possible.
The next challenge is scale. Your client's children may not yet have their parent's wealth, but they still require your attention. Part two focuses on building a scalable practice that is both effective at addressing millennial concerns and sustainable from a business standpoint.
Learning Objectives:
Identify the benefits of working with "next-gen" clients, oftentimes the children of their existing clients, and the risks of not doing so.
Design an appropriate service offering for "next-gen" clients based on the services and delivery methods these clients expect.
Identify opportunities to scale the service offering so that "next-gen" clients can be well served without sacrificing profitability and growth of the practice.