Cryptocurrency Investments – What Financial Advisors and Planners Need Know to Avoid Legal Actions
Friday, September 29, 2023
10:15 AM – 11:15 AM MST
Location: PCC: North 121
CE: 1 CFP CE Credit(s)
Complexity Level: Intermediate
Session Description: In this session, planners will learn practical applications in three main areas. First, attendees will gain a basic understanding of the basis of what cryptocurrency investments are and how they work. Second, attendees will learn and understand the primary areas of risk and liability that planners face using cryptocurrency investments, and how to discuss the intricacies and details of various types of cryptocurrencies with clients, should clients have questions. Third, and most importantly, attendees will learn how planners can avoid and lessen risks and potential liability when it comes to cryptocurrency investments and client interactions.
Learning Objectives:
Define the basis of what cryptocurrency investments are and how they work in order to educate clients on the risks of the same.
Identify primary risk areas and liability that planners face using cryptocurrency investments, and how to discuss the intricacies and details of various types of cryptocurrencies and crypto tokens with clients.
Limit, avoid and lessen risks and potential liability when dealing with regulators pertaining to crypto investments, advice, and compliance and to comply with CFP ® Board and SEC guidance.